15 min
C1.1. Prerequisite
Download and install Anaconda 3 before class.
- Anaconda 3 is a Python distribution which will be the compiler for our Python codes;
- We are going to use it to create virtual environment to ensure everybody in this class is on the same page;
- The version does not matter if we use virtual environment. I installed Anaconda3-2022.10-Windows-x86_64.exe for my Windows machine.
- For Windows PCs, you can set up a virtual environment following these steps:
- Open anaconda prompt, or alternatively, you can add anaconda to system path (the Windows environment variable).After doing this, you can call python.exe and pip.exe in your command prompt (cmd.exe)
D:\Programs\anaconda3 D:\Programs\anaconda3\Scripts D:\Programs\anaconda3\Library\bin
- Create a virtual environment python 3.10 under the name “main”:
conda create -n main python=3.10
- Type
to confirm downloading the packages and wait.
- Activate it
conda activate main
- Now, if you run command
pip install
, the packages will be installed for this virtual environmentpip install matplotlib pandas numba control dearpygui
- Open file explorer.exe at current directory
explorer.exe .
- Create a file named
and paste the following codes and saveimport dearpygui.dearpygui as dpg import dearpygui.demo as demo dpg.create_context() dpg.create_viewport(title='Custom Title', width=600, height=600) demo.show_demo() dpg.setup_dearpygui() dpg.show_viewport() dpg.start_dearpygui() dpg.destroy_context()
- Run python codes
python my_dearpygui_demo.py
- Have fun!
- You can check existing virtual environment by typing:
conda env list
- Open anaconda prompt, or alternatively, you can add anaconda to system path (the Windows environment variable).
- Jupyter notebook/lab
- Open cmd.exe and type
jupyter lab
. It will fire up jupyter lab in your default browser. - I often use jupyter lab to do derivation verification and here is an example (you need to
pip install sympy
):from sympy import * from IPython.display import display, Latex # display result without need of print (matlab like) from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell; InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all" # use mathjax init_printing(use_latex='mathjax') # Define symbols t, p, a, b, c, d, e = symbols('t, p, a, b, c, d, e') L_σ = Symbol(r'L_\sigma') M_σ = Symbol(r'M_\sigma') i_alpha = Function(r'i_{\alpha}')(t) i_beta = Function(r'i_{\beta}')(t) i_abs = Matrix(2, 1, [i_alpha, i_beta]) Theta = Function(r'\varTheta')(t) Omega = Theta.diff(t) # Display stuff display(i_abs) display(Theta, Omega) a=100 a 100+a # Rotation Matrix P = Matrix(2,2, [ cos(Theta), sin(Theta), \ -sin(Theta), cos(Theta)] ) P_inv = P.T # Full Park transformation (power invariant) T = sqrt(2/3)*Matrix(3,3, [ cos(Theta), cos(Theta-2*pi/3), cos(Theta-4*pi/3), -sin(Theta), -sin(Theta-2*pi/3), -sin(Theta-4*pi/3), 1/sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2)] ) T_inv = T.T # Verify inverse equals transpose display(simplify(T*T_inv)) display(simplify(T_inv*T)) # Matrix Labcσs = Matrix(3,3, [L_σ, M_σ, M_σ, \ M_σ, L_σ, M_σ, \ M_σ, M_σ, L_σ] ) display(Labcσs) Ldqnσs = T * Labcσs * T_inv display(simplify(Ldqnσs)) # LaTeX latex(simplify(Ldqnσs))
to execute and stay at current block.shift+enter
to execute and move to next block.
- Open cmd.exe and type
Download and install Visual Studio Code before class. VS code is a popular editor for programmers.
- You need to install extension for Python
- We can then take advantage of its super-cool jupyter notebook compatibility.
Option 1: to activate a regular jupyter notebook, pressctrl+shift+p
, typecreate: new jupyter notebook
.- Option 2: use the magic command
in your regular .py file.ctrl+enter
to execute and stay at current block.shift+enter
to execute and move to next block.
- Alternative editor I very like is sublime text 4
C1.2. Outline
- Numerical simulation essentials
- Euler method (ode1)
- Runge Kutta method (ode4)
- Learn concept of a variable step size solver
- Solve for some example systems
- Numba accelerated simulation
- Separation between simulation framework and motor dynamics
C1.3. My Python Tutorials
Donwload jupyter notebook .ipynb file here..
C1.?. Learn Python in one video by Derek Banas (N4mEzFDjqtA)
(need access to Youtube)
C1.?. Quiz
What is the difference between lists and tuples?
- Lists are mutable - they can be changed
- Slower than tuples
- Syntax:
a_list = [1, 2.0, 'Hello world']
- Tuples are immutable - they can’t be changed
- Tuples are faster than lists
- Syntax:
a_tuple = (1, 2.0, 'Hello world')
Is Python case-sensitive?