ACMSimC: Field Oriented Control

5 minute read

本篇是本系列第二集,第一集请戳:EP01。 下文须配合视频食用:哔哩哔哩传送门(右键新标签页打开)


Table of Content

1. Prerequisite

Watched EP01 of the series, and installed all the softwares.

2. Machine Models

2.1. Model of Induction Machine

\[\begin{array}{l} {L_\sigma }p{i_s} = {u_s} - \left( {{r_s} + {r_{req}}} \right){i_s} + \left( {\alpha I - \omega J} \right){\psi _\mu }\\ p{\psi _\mu } = {r_{req}}{i_s} - \left( {aI - \omega J} \right){\psi _\mu } \end{array}\]

See 2017-Chen.Huang-Online for detail.

3. Block Diagram

4. Codes

Simulation procedure is as follows:

for loop begins{


    machine_simulation(); // machine_dynamics, numeric_integration

    measurement(); // speed, current

    observation(); // observer 

    control(); // speed_control, current_control

    inverter_model(); // transfer function is 1 for now
define observation(){
    // Speed estimation: Tajima1996

    // Flux estimation 1: Voltage model
    // Flux estimation 2: Current model
void control(double speed_cmd, double speed_cmd_dot){
    // Input 1 is feedback: estimated speed or measured speed
    CTRL.omg_fb = im.omg;
    // CTRL.omg_fb = ob.tajima.omg;
    // Input 2 is feedback: measured current 
    CTRL.ial_fb = IS_C(0);
    CTRL.ibe_fb = IS_C(1);
    // Input 3 differs for DFOC and IFOC
        // DFOC: estimated flux components in alpha-beta frame
        CTRL.psi_mu_al_fb = ob.psi_mu_al;
        CTRL.psi_mu_be_fb = ob.psi_mu_be;
        // IFOC: estimated rotor resistance
        CTRL.rreq = ob.rreq;

    // Flux (linkage) command
    CTRL.rotor_flux_cmd = 0.5; // f(speed, dc bus voltage, last torque current command)
        // 1. speed is compared with the base speed to decide flux weakening or not
        // 2. dc bus voltage is required for certain application
        // 3. last torque current command is required for loss minimization

    // M-axis current command
    CTRL.iMs_cmd = CTRL.rotor_flux_cmd*CTRL.Lmu_inv + M1*OMG1*cos(OMG1*CTRL.timebase) / CTRL.rreq;

    // T-axis current command
    static int vc_count = 0;
        vc_count = 0;
        CTRL.omg_ctrl_err = CTRL.omg_fb - speed_cmd*RPM_2_RAD_PER_SEC;
        CTRL.iTs_cmd = - PI(&CTRL.pi_speed, CTRL.omg_ctrl_err);

        CTRL.speed_ctrl_err = CTRL.omg_ctrl_err * RAD_PER_SEC_2_RPM;

        // feedback field orientation
        double modulus = sqrt(CTRL.psi_mu_al_fb*CTRL.psi_mu_al_fb + CTRL.psi_mu_be_fb*CTRL.psi_mu_be_fb);
            CTRL.cosT = 0;
            CTRL.sinT = 1;
            CTRL.cosT = CTRL.psi_mu_al / modulus;
            CTRL.sinT = CTRL.psi_mu_be / modulus;
        // Feed-forward field orientation
        CTRL.theta_M += TS * CTRL.omega_syn;

        if(CTRL.theta_M > M_PI){
            CTRL.theta_M -= 2*M_PI;
        }else if(CTRL.theta_M < -M_PI){
            CTRL.theta_M += 2*M_PI; // 反转!

        CTRL.omega_sl = CTRL.rreq*CTRL.iTs_cmd / CTRL.rotor_flux_cmd;
        CTRL.omega_syn = CTRL.omg_fb + CTRL.omega_sl;

        CTRL.cosT = cos(CTRL.theta_M); 
        CTRL.sinT = sin(CTRL.theta_M);

    // Measured current in M-T frame
    CTRL.iMs = AB2M(CTRL.ial_fb, CTRL.ibe_fb, CTRL.cosT, CTRL.sinT);
    CTRL.iTs = AB2T(CTRL.ial_fb, CTRL.ibe_fb, CTRL.cosT, CTRL.sinT);

    // Voltage command in M-T frame
    double vM, vT;
    vM = - PI(&CTRL.pi_iMs, CTRL.iMs-CTRL.iMs_cmd);
    vT = - PI(&CTRL.pi_iTs, CTRL.iTs-CTRL.iTs_cmd);

    // Current loop decoupling (skipped, see Chen.Huang-Stable)
    CTRL.uMs_cmd = vM;
    CTRL.uTs_cmd = vT;

    // Voltage command in alpha-beta frame
    CTRL.ual = MT2A(CTRL.uMs_cmd, CTRL.uTs_cmd, CTRL.cosT, CTRL.sinT);
    CTRL.ube = MT2B(CTRL.uMs_cmd, CTRL.uTs_cmd, CTRL.cosT, CTRL.sinT);

5. Future Topics

  • C语言电机仿真架构 / framework in C language (done in EP01)
  • 系统控制参数的可视化与优化框架 / Visualization and optimization of system control parameters
  • 矢量控制 / Vector control (done in this article)
  • 为什么前向欧拉法是个大坑?
  • 永磁电机的仿真
  • 电机设计的电路参数拟合
  • 变步长数值积分 / DoPri54
  • 电机参数自整定
  • 电流环系数设计
  • 转速环系数设计
  • 转动惯量辩识
  • 自抗扰控制
  • 基于带宽指标的自抗扰控制系数设计
  • 全局稳定转速自适应观测器设计
  • 逆变器非线性建模 / inverter nonlinearity
  • SPWM建模
  • SVPWM建模
  • 饱和建模 / modeling of saturation
  • 非理想电流测量环节建模
  • 母线电容建模和无轴承电机的仿佛有UPS控制
  • 低成本单母线电流传感器驱动的实现
  • 无轴承感应电机建模
  • 基于扩展反电势模型的无传感器控制
  • 基于 Active Flux 模型的无传感器控制
  • 三维模型的绘制技巧 / SolidWorks Modeling (done in 哔哩哔哩传送门之使用SolidWorks绘制无轴承感应电机三维模型(搞笑版))
  • 番外:感应电机的设计与优化
  • 番外:表贴式永磁电机的设计
  • 番外:高速实心转子的设计与优化



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